Gaining knowledge and confidence the Low Tox way!

I think for the majority of us that have ended up exploring the low tox space, trying to discern what to swap out, whether a product or ingredient is or isn’t safe and the many other inter-related issues can suddenly feel overwhelming and impossible to navigate. This is where Alexx Stuart has stepped in as an educator and go to resource, having a significant influence and role supporting those wanting to live healthier lifestyles. I resonated with Alexx’s approach immediately as it was not about creating guilt but rather about celebrating the little wins when changes and habits were made and shifting from there being an end game mindset to seeing this as a way of life that evolves in each person’s own way and own time. 

For me, Alexx’s Go Low Tox course was a game-changer for deepening what I had learned on my own and then actually knowing how to apply it to my own life. Sure, Alexx gives examples and ideas but there’s an independence that’s encouraged and fostered to find your own way so that it works and can be a lasting change. Prior to the course I had come to realise that the chemicals we use on our bodies and in our home weren’t always “safe” just because they were on a supermarket shelf or in my skin care product. There were quite a few aha moments when I realised I was often using products that contained certain ingredients that would flare up my children’s eczema or cause my skin rashes and I felt angry that the focus wasn’t on educating people to avoid these ingredients. The Go Low Tox course had another ongoing benefit and that was the Facebook community created in the Alumni group. Course members both past and current can ask questions, share new knowledge and support one another with ideas and recommendations.   

Last September I became a student in the inaugural Low Tox Method (LTM) program along with Laudy. This is quite literally why I am now writing this blog post. Without the mentoring and practical skills gained in the course, I would not have had the confidence to develop the ideas into a business model with Tammy and Laudy. My goodness I would never have fathomed I’d be doing podcast interviews! Alexx gave me a huge gift the day she told us LTMers “done is better than perfect” when describing the five-minute presentation task we all had to submit in order to successfully complete the program. Not only have I been a perfectionist from the get-go but I would actively avoid any role requiring some form of public presentation. I submitted my presentation relieved that it was done yet acknowledging that there was room for improvement and that that was okay. It then dawned on me that the only way I could improve was by actually doing more presentations. Oh the irony! Yet here I am producing podcasts and preparing workshop presentations. I can honestly say that not only was the practical information gained from the program incredibly useful for working through business ideas and creating a business, the unexpected value of the program was the encouragement, mentoring and support given by Alexx.  

If you are interested in accessing the information to get you started on your lox tox journey, maybe you’re ready to delve deeper in the low tox space or maybe you’re ready to align your career by jumping into the Low Tox Method program to coach others in the low tox space, I cannot recommend Alexx’s courses highly enough! 

*** Full disclaimer, we receive a commission for anyone clicking on our affiliate link who joins one of Alexx’s courses. I feel it’s important that you know this whilst also knowing that I have been recommending Alexx and her courses for years without receiving any gain. I will continue to recommend her courses because completing Go Low Tox five years ago truly enabled me to make sense of the low tox minefield of information and consequently make important changes like choosing real food and minimising our exposure to unnecessary chemicals in our home environment and on our bodies.  

As Alexx says, “we can hit rewind to healthier days TODAY!” 

Xx Sim

Alexx’s Courses at Low Tox Life